Book a Reading

Click on the button below choose your reading, or email me at to book your reading and pay with cash or check upon arrival.


Getting the Most out of Your Reading

All readings are conducted by telephone unless you live in the Denver, Colorado area. For local clients, readings can be given in my office. For international clients, Skype is available. 

  • Digitally recorded as an audio file and a link to download your reading sent to you

  • 100% confidential

  • Payment is due in advance of your session (at time of booking)

I highly recommend you give yourself a private and quiet space to be in during your reading, without interruptions, so that you can speak freely, and allow yourself to receive the maximum benefit of your reading. Additionally, please be sure to be well hydrated and nourished prior to your appointment, and give yourself a bit of time before and after your appointment for integration.

I am committed to giving you the best experience possible and appreciate you observing these policies. Thank you!